Fraud & Forensic Accounting

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Targeted actions for swift solutions.

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) estimates that organizations lose 5% of revenue to fraud each year. We specialize in targeted, rapid response investigation services and resources for those facing government investigations or having experienced occupational fraud or other misconduct. Our forensic accounting team can help address issues including:

  • Occupational fraud investigations (such as asset misappropriation and embezzlement)
  • Bribery and corruption investigations
  • Fraudulent financial statements or disbursements investigations
  • Regulatory fraud investigations (such as False Claims Act Violations, Healthcare Fraud and Abuse, and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Violations)

Leading industry experience, including former FBI professionals, allows us to quickly address issues with limited disruptions to operations.

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Every industry has its own nuances. We take that into consideration and approach business solutions with the specific lens required of your field. Our teams are comprised of talent with relevant experience and we’re prepared to meet every challenge.

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