February 16, 2022

Taxpayers with SC filing requirement - Update

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The South Carolina Department of Revenue (SCDOR) issued this important update regarding payment of funds owed on 2021 tax returns.

If you owe $15,000 or more in connection with any SCDOR return, you must file and pay electronically according to SC Code Sections 12-54-250 and 12-54-210

  • SECTION 12-54-250. Authority of Department of Revenue to require payment with immediately available funds debts of $15,000 or more; interest and penalties.
    • (A)(1) The South Carolina Department of Revenue may require, consistent with the cash management policies of the State Treasurer, that a person owing fifteen thousand dollars or more in connection with any return, report, or other document to be filed with the department or a withholding agent making at least twenty-four payments in a year pursuant to Section 12-8-1520(D) pay the tax liability to the State no later than the date the payment is required by law to be made, in funds that are available immediately to the State. "Payment in immediately available funds" means payment by cash to the main office of the department before five o'clock p.m. or by electronic means established by the department, with the approval of the State Treasurer, which ensures the settlement of those funds in the state's account on or before the banking day following the due date of the tax as provided by law.

If a due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or state holiday, the due date is extended to the following business day.

Payments can be made electronically via MyDORWAY. MyDORWAY accepts ACH debit payments (otherwise known as Electronic Funds Withdrawal or EFW), Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

From the Make a Payment link, you can make Individual Income Tax payments without creating a MyDORWAY account or logging in to MyDORWAY.

Additionally, if you choose to set up ACH payments, you can schedule  Individual Income Tax payments up to 13 months in advance.  Extension payments can be scheduled up to 120 days in advance using ACH (debit).  You cannot schedule credit card payments in advance.

We Can Help

For more information, please contact us. We will connect you with a tax advisor to assist you.

The information provided in this communication is of a general nature and should not be considered professional advice. You should not act upon the information provided without obtaining specific professional advice. The information above is subject to change.

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