our people

Carla Cullen


Greenville, SC
Professional Overview

Carla has more than 8 years of consulting experience assisting physician practices and hospitals in developing, implementing, and reporting physician compensation. Carla’s knowledge of Microsoft Access and Excel allows her customers to quickly and effectively evaluate multiple compensation models using historical information, from disparate databases if needed, prior to the selection of a compensation model to implement. She also assists with HIPAA and STARK compliance, as well as the development of projections to evaluate acquisitions and new product lines for their business. In addition, Carla develops analytical tools to report on provider productivity, practice operations, and revenue cycle management to facilitate timely decision-making.

Education, Credentials and Special Training
  • B.S., Business Administration, Lander University
Professional Affiliations
  • Medical Group Management Association
Civic and Community Activities
  • Member, Greenville Professionals United for Leadership and Social Enrichment
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